
How To Make A Trip To Thailand Under $1k

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Thailand is one of the most visited countries in the world, and it is an extremely affordable destination to visit even if you wish to stay for a two-week span.

Although a trip to Thailand sounds extremely thrilling, exotic and expensive, going there is easier than it seems. Every year millions of tourists enjoy a trip to Thailand, without spending a hefty sum of money.

When you’re planning a trip to Thailand, the first thing that should come to your mind is the visa. Visa is not an issue for people coming from western or Asian countries.

The airfare and travel expense is the largest upfront cost that you’ll have to deal with before setting your foot in the country. Once you’re on the ground in Thailand, the low exchange rate and cheap food costs will recoup for the money spent on travel.

Having a trip to Thailand under a low amount as much as $1k is very much possible. All you’ll need is a bit of sensible planning and good research and you’re good to go for a tropical experience. It’s true that organized tours in Asia come off as a cheap trade and a very quick and easy solution but at times planning a trip yourself at your own pace can end up saving more money than you will from a group tour.

When it comes to Thailand, you’ll be able to find numerous travel agencies that’ll help to make your trip possible under cheap rates. If you’re aiming to travel at a low expense, it’s good to look at the non-tourist months, for instance, the time between November to march is a peak tourist time where you can be a target of high accommodation and airfare rates, but if you plan on traveling from July to September, you’ll be able to avail much cheaper rates.

When it comes to accommodation, you can look up for cheaper hotels for example in the southern part of the country, that surrounds the beaches, accommodation a bit more expensive than the ones in outskirts.

You can simply find a room from 10-20 USD. The second cost that comes to your mind, is the everyday food cost. Instead of dining in the tourist places, you should visit local places where the prices start at $2-3, but if you visit the street it could be even cheaper.

For those traveling on a tight budget, you can easily spend $10 for food per day. Moving on to the other bit of your trip, which is entertainment. If you avoid certain tourist places, such as the temples and the palaces you’ll save money since certain places have entrance fees.

So you can make a list of the things that are important to visit and let go of the ones that aren’t very important to see. For example, there are temples that are free of cost to visit, or the maximum they’ll cost you is a $1, but like the King Palace in Bangkok can cost you an entry fee of $10. The island hopping tours are not very expensive and extremely affordable. They start at $20, and includes lunch and snacks and lasts for about 4-5 hours. Then you’re left with the transportation budget for the time you’re in Thailand.

Transportation is not very expensive in Thailand. Train tickets are extremely cheap if you’re traveling to the northern part of the country. And if you’re using a ferry to islands or a bus, it will cost you up to $20.

The transportation around Thailand will be expensive if you purchase a flight ticket, but much cheaper if you go from a bus or train. In order to conclude, you can spend an amazing day in Thailand, having good food, with beaches and comfortable accommodation with good entertainments all in $25 or maybe below that. You can also spend less than $10 on accommodation if you wish for a much cheaper stay.

If you desire to have a memorable trip, without missing out onto anything you can cut down on the number of days you wish to stay over there. Let’s say you’re planning to visit the place for two weeks so you can lessen that to a week and savor things that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

Also, if you’re on a tight budget you can skip the shopping expense and take as many essential items you’ll need on your trip along with you. It’s extremely easy and affordable to travel to Thailand. It can cost as little or as much as you want the cost to be, depending on the type of traveler you are.

Author Bio:

My name is Omaima and I’m currently pursuing a degree in interior design. I love to write in my spare time and other than that I’m an avid reader.